Refractory Materials

Refractory materials are used in some high-intensity and highly industrial applications, requiring robust protective materials. These applications range from furnaces and kilns to incinerators, and even reactors. Refractories are used to make crucibles and similar uses like moulds for casting glass, metals and for flame retardant and heat deflecting surfaces for even as high temperature as rocket launching structures.

These materials are classified by multiple factors, with designations led primarily by the material’s chemical or physical properties, with physical characteristics further broken down into form, method of manufacture and fusion temperature.

High Alumina Bricks:

High Alumina Bricks are a kind of commonly used refractory materials which is mainly made of A1203. High Alumina Brick has properties of high refractoriness, high strength, acid and washing erosion resistance, good thermal stability and so on. High Alumina Bricks are widely used in industries of blast furnace, hot blast stove, electric furnace, refining furnace and glass furnace and soon.


Castables are a crucial and widely used subset of unshaped refractory, where a refractory is as part of a non-solid material which is poured and then cures in situ. There are five groups of castable:

  • General Castable
  • Low Cement Castable
  • Ultra-Low Cement Castable
  • No Cement Castable (especially used for organic binding)
  • Insulating Castable (for low heat loss applications)
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