A Few Words

About Us

Who we are

Raw material elucidation

SadaShiva Refractories is an emerging company in the business of Mining and Processing of Refractory Raw materials in Jamnagar, Gujarat in India. We are engaged in producing Refractory raw materials like Calcined Bauxite, Calcined Clay and Chamotte. We are also producing Abrasive grade Calcined Bauxite. Our company headquarters is located in Mumbai and plant operations with advanced captive Rotary – Kiln Calcination is located at Metpar in Jamnagar.

Emerging Company


Our Mission

SRL core business mission hinges on its' commitment to quality and service and offering raw material products consistent in size, chemistry and physicality. Quality is tested at every stage of the production process.

Equipped with Latest Machines

Our Laboratory is equipped with latest equipment for testing as per the industry standard.


We follow Wet chemical method and XRF machine for testing of material at various stages.


Our Team

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